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From the economic point of view, it’s amazing to work in the midmarket. Truth be told, tech has taken its sweet time to attain the enterprise level. Similarly, the world is digitalizing, and every company is a “tech” company which means every sales channel and vendor is switching to massive opportunities delivered by the midmarket. However, how are you supposed to handle those sales channels and business processes? Salesforce is often the preferred choice but is Salesforce really an ERP? Well, you will have to read to find out!

Is Salesforce an ERP System?

It’s no secret that Salesforce has become a top CRM platform worldwide, but it cannot be named an ERP. So, if you were looking for a brief answer, it’s a no. Salesforce has a variety of service and sales features, but there are no ERP features, such as finance management, supply chain management, production, and inventory. Not so long ago, multiple businesses were forced to develop complicated systems to connect their Salesforce systems with ERPs for data synchronization.

In addition, it was needed for passing the transactions. However, there is no need for such integrations because cloud ERP solutions are developed on Salesforce. For instance, the companies are now able to run ERP as well as CRM on a single Salesforce platform. That being said, it’s needless to say that Salesforce is not an ERP, but it can be run with ERP on the cloud platform of Salesforce. These systems are designed with similar user interfaces, data infrastructures, security dashboards, and reporting tools.

With this integration, the system administration is similar to Salesforce while delivering collaboration tools and workflow platforms. The ERP on Salesforce actually provides a fully integrated view of business and customers, promising cost reduction.

Is ERP On Salesforce Productive for Businesses?

Yes, flexible and scalable ERP on Salesforce is a great option, especially for manufacturing businesses. To begin with, Salesforce integration with ERP promises quick ROI (returns on investment) through proper business process handling. These systems can enhance the productivity and efficiency levels for active manufacturing businesses. Not to forget, the integration is pretty seamless, which delivers top-notch customer service and also delivers scalability and flexibility (which company wouldn’t like these perks?).

  • The Returns On Investment 

We have already mentioned that this integration promises quick ROI, and it’s one of the most critical success metrics. The implementation of these systems is actually more convenient and efficient as compared to legacy systems. It can significantly reduce capital expenses because there is no need to install, manage, and configure the databases and hardware. The best part is low integration costs (Folio3 offers these services and promises proper maintenance to deliver higher productivity).

With Salesforce on ERP, the administration costs will be reduced because they share the same database, permissions, and security systems. In addition, the management can be done quickly by the admin. The training costs are minimal since the core functions, and interfaces are similar, so there is practically no need to provide training (the system won’t feel new to the workforce). Moreover, the upgrades are automatically done through the cloud, so it won’t even waste your time!

  • Agile Manufacturing 

When it comes down to agile manufacturing with Salesforce ERP, it’s become an excellent way for companies to align with ever-changing customer needs and demands. These solutions will deliver quick access to applications and data through the cloud, promising streamlined business processes. The manual tasks will actually be automated across the company, which improves productivity standards and efficiency. It can also offer remote access to the supply chain systems.

Salesforce on ERP will enable the workforce to make value-based and result-driven business decisions, leading to quick problem-solving. The data entry will be accurate and more efficient. The combination of these benefits will empower the companies to meet and exceed the customer’s needs. Lastly, it also improves the payment and cash processes.

  • Scalability & Flexibility 

The markets are continuously changing, with which the customer’s needs are shifting. For this reason, businesses have to be highly vigilant and responsive. With Salesforce ERP systems, the companies will have much-needed flexibility to increase or reduce the computing resources according to changing trends. There are flexibility and reconfigurability standards that operate on different business models.

Talking about flexibility, businesses will also be able to change the business workflows and processes according to changing business requirements. Folio3 actually offers customizable management and workflow features, promising quick and effective adaption.

Integration of Salesforce with ERP 

The majority of businesses with on-site ERP solutions often struggle to integrate and expand the systems. There are different ways of ERP integration with other apps, but what’s the point when you can have access to Salesforce On ERP as a single system with integrated features? This system is actually an excellent option for distributors and manufacturers. To begin with, it can combine ERP and CRM for connecting business operations and sales (it actually delivers 360-degrees visibility into data).

It can be used for connecting suppliers, people, partners, and departments through convenient messaging systems. In addition, online communities can be developed for integrating the stakeholders to share insights and data. The best thing about these systems is that the account-oriented forecasting and sales agreements can be leverages to get precise forecasts. On top of everything, the customer service and customer experience will be improved through quick problem-solving.

Last but not least, the solutions and systems can be expanded by integrating the apps. For instance, businesses can enjoy communication, compliance, collaboration, and enterprise-level quality.


Is Salesforce ERP Integration the Right Solution for Your Business?

Salesforce is one of the most widely implemented CRM and has become a leading player since it controls more than 50% of the CRM software market. This is because the ERP suites cannot shackle it. To be honest, CRMs have become essential for various ERP suites, but they still lag behind industry-centric features. In most cases, the businesses that want the best of both worlds opt for Salesforce integration with already deployed software or ERP system. However, there are various integration options to be considered, such as;

  • Native Integrations

When we talk about Salesforce, there are native integrations with SAP and Oracle; however, the setup may be complicated (or tricky, perhaps). However, both Oracle and SAP offer various value-added and integrative features to offer smooth operations. In addition, Oracle is offering predesigned integration kits for businesses with no in-house IT team or lack of technical background. As a result, the integration can be personalized without compromising on the convenience of the setup.

  • ERP On Salesforce

This is the second option with which software solution providers have designed the ERP solutions around Salesforce. These ERP systems work as the core functionality. For instance, Folio3 offers the ERP integration module for seamless synchronization and communication with Salesforce. Even more, there are other platforms that allow independent developers to create an integrated platform with the help of adapters and predesigned integrations.

Customized Integrations – Are They Effective?

If you are implying an uncommon ERP system, there are high chances that you won’t have access to predesigned adapters and integrations. However, Salesforce’s API allows businesses and developers to design their own integration. But again, these configurations can be time-consuming and costly. Even more, the engineering resources are lagging; you might have to work with the developers.

Salesforce offers various services and features for extra costs that can optimize the custom integration. At this point, it’s needless to say that businesses need to do the math regarding customized integrations before investing the resources in them.

Sticking with The ERP’s CRM Solution

honestly, there is no quick answer to this question since it all depends on the weaknesses and needs of the businesses. For the most part, integrating and implementing Salesforce with the current ERP platform might be expensive because employees will need training (those who haven’t used Salesforce before). Still, it’s a compelling investment because it can streamline the sales operations, resulting in a higher sales funnel and more revenue.

For instance, there are deep integrations of Salesforce with Microsoft Office solutions, enabling the business owners to gain deeper insights into sales and leads. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the integration will bring about automation, resulting in higher efficiency and productivity.

The Bottom Line 

To summarize, Salesforce on ERP is a great option, but it’s beneficial only for specific businesses, such as manufacturing, financial services, non-profit organizations, and retail companies. All in all, it all depends on the business niche, industry, and pain points. If you want to go ahead with this integration, Folio3 offers Salesforce on ERP and similar integrations to all their clients, so check out our Salesforce integration services!

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