What Are The Three Main Goals Of Data Lifecycle Management (DLM)?
Today in the corporate world, most decisions are data-driven. Businesses harness the power of data for every day-to-day task- from new product designs to customer acquisition. They obtain data from various sources such as marketing campaigns, customers, emails, cloud mobile apps, and social media- to count a few. Since businesses constantly receive different types and […]
EDI Payment | Difference Between EDI, ACH, and EFT
What’s the most challenging part of your business? Your answer might be: handling transaction data for the tons of payments your business sends or receives. Isn’t it? It has never been easy to manage transaction information. However, it can become more challenging if you do not have an encrypted way of exchanging payment information from […]
Integrated Business Planning (IBP), Process, Components, Examples & Applications | Benefits of Integrated Business Planning
Behind every decision a business makes, there is extensive planning and analysis to certify whether a decision is profitable for the business. The economic impact of each decision is measured which allows businesses to make logical decisions that will benefit the company. ‘Integrated planning’, in general, is considered a sustainable, collaborative, and aligned approach that […]
Field Service Management Software: Features, Types, Cost, and Benefits | Best FSM Software 2022
With the rapid development of technology, more and more businesses have opted for automation of their operating systems. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, limiting human interaction and working online has especially become a priority. So, how exactly do companies, especially those in the service industry, successfully shift to working remotely and optimizing their businesses? […]
Top Mobile Business Intelligence BI Software 2024
Introduction Business Intelligence or BI is an important tool which helps with the planning and execution of key goals and objectives of an organization. BI provides stakeholders essential insights and analyses trends to aid them in making accurate and strategic decisions. Business intelligence has gained popularity across different industries to scale businesses and make well-informed […]
Shop Floor Control (SFC) Software for Manufacturing Industry
Managing manufacturing operations is never an easy task across all major industries. Lack of visibility into the status of production orders is one of the many struggles that production managers have to deal with. Without an automated floor control system, production managers have to rely on manual processes to schedule and monitor various independent operations […]
ERP Modules: Types, Features & Functions
Gone are the days when companies used to manage their data on spreadsheets. Today, businesses use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to manage and organize their financial and operational data. ERPs function as an integrated database that gathers and stores data across the company to enhance the efficiency and scalability of business processes. ERPs are […]
Recruitment Management Software – Best Recruitment Management System (RMS) 2024
The days of flipping over the newspaper classifieds to search for a vacant position are long gone. Today, all corporate jobs are posted online, as companies consistently lookout for ways to create a seamless virtual hiring process. Hiring has always been a peculiar process, a dilemma where employers are always after top talent, whereas candidates […]
Magento ERP – Best ERP Magento Integration Communication Tools
ERP is an acronym for the Enterprise Resource Planning system, that helps in the optimization of your business, by streamlining all the essential tasks in one place. These tasks include inventory and order management, Human Resources, accounting, etc. This ensures that all employees, from all the various departments of the organization, are kept abreast of […]
Enterprise Asset Management in Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management
Overview: Microsoft Dynamics 365 equips businesses with several tools aimed to boost productivity and transform a business digitally. The tool does this by bringing data, entrepreneurs, as well as processes together. With continuous organic investments in such tools, Microsoft aims to accelerate innovation and assist businesses in acquiring strategic solutions. In October 2019, Microsoft introduced […]