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    You may have heard about Agile Manufacturing many times before. This term basically refers to a methodology used in the manufacturing industry that put forwards the importance of giving response to clients or customers from time to time, as well as, bringing changes so as to match the market standards.

    Being a Certified Gold Microsoft Dynamics Partner with a worldwide presence that has been delivering quality services to help businesses boost their growth and work efficiency through tailoring business solutions and providing optimized ERP implementations, we have explained in this blog about Agile Manufacturing.

    Agile Manufacturing Definition

    To develop a better understanding of what is agile manufacturing, one must first observe the term ‘agile’. According to Merrian-Webster, agile means ‘to have a quick adaptable and resourceful character’ which somehow sums up the term finely. With the use of agile manufacturing, manufacturers must bring change and adapt to several factors and practices that are popular in the market.

    Let’s have a look on agile manufacturing definition:

    Agile Manufacturing, to be better said, is more about having the ability to move easily and quickly in response to the customers’ changing demands.

    Research has defined agile as the ability to survive and grow in conditions where change is unpredictable, by quickly and effectively reacting to the constantly changing markets.

    In a nutshell, agile manufacturing is also described as a business-wide approach that builds a strong connection between an organization’s workers, customers/clients, and technology.

    What Is Agile Engineering and Manufacturing

    Agile engineering refers to a popular process used in software development but a lesser number of hardware teams actually deal with the application of these practices in order to develop physical products. The implementation of agile product development and related engineering practices is a way of saving time and improving the quality of the end product.

    Teams that implement agile engineering practices are trained to quickly perform tests and gather information/feedback on the design of the product. It helps in the division of bigger challenges into the smaller and measurable matter of concerns and improves the product development cycle in a better way. Through running tests of different features and new builds, it is verified whether the problems and concerns of users are being addressed and the product has developed rightly.

    Agile Manufacturing allows an organization to quickly respond to the changing demands of the market without any sort of compromise on the quality of the product. This quick response is not only appreciated by the customers but it also creates a positive image of your business. A well maintained agile manufacturing plan ensures prompt delivery services.

    Best Agile Manufacturing Practices

    Agile manufacturing aims to focus on the abilities of an organization to suitably react to the demands of the customers and the market.

    • Connecting production teams, designers, marketers, and customer service – to make sure that necessary improvements are made quickly to the products and the product’s development is done on the basis of customers’ feedback.
    • Communication and information infrastructure that contributes to close collaboration – this involves the IT integration and operation system for better visibility of data and insights that are actionable.
    • Flexibility in production – it includes flexible assets of production, modular production design, and ensuring that the product variations are made according to the market demands in order to save more time.
    • Postponing parts of production – such as developing a base product and leaving all final assembly, customizations, and configurations for later; on the basis of the customers’ preferences.
    • Highly skilled work-force – skilled workers are key to bring change perfectly.

    Why Folio3 Dynamics ERP Agile Manufacturing Is Necessary For Businesses

    In the present age, agility is not just an option but a need/requirement in order to survive and grow in this competitive marketplace. To bring agility in the manufacturing process, a modern ERP solution favours lean manufacturing abilities and prompt production processes to deal with growing demands and uncertain market changes.

    The key to agile manufacturing is Enterprise Resource Planning. Folio3 offers the best and reliable solutions for your business requirements which can offer you advantages like accuracy, scalability, effectiveness, and increased profits.

    Benefits offered by Folio3 Dynamics ERP Agile Manufacturing

    • Our solutions come with a bunch of advanced features that favor capacity planning, quality control, planning, production, inventory management, sales, purchase, finance, accounts and more.
    • You are able to continuously gather feedback from your customers i.e. you are able to track the needs of your customers and design your products accordingly.
    • The interplay between engineering, design, manufacturing, and marketing enables teams to develop an understanding of each others’ challenges and needs in a better way.
    • You are able to test the physical prototype that allows for identification and solving issues.
    • More quicker and rapid iterations allows for the exploration of more number of solutions.
    • Engineering risks can be exposed through continuous testing throughout the process of product development.


    How do agile manufacturing systems work?

    An agile manufacturing system accepts the needs of customers, their feedback/responses, and a part of total energy information of the society (resources, human power, raw materials etc.), it then work to transform the gathered data in a way that helps to build a product according to the demands of customers and marker in an efficient way.

    How agile can help in custom manufacturing?

    Agile manufacturing is a term under which a combination of technologies and methods are based. Through bringing agility in manufacturing, businesses become able to respond to their customers with flexibility and in-time so as to build products that match market standards and requirements. Agile manufacturing allows businesses to control their output (end product) while making sure that the quality of products is not compromised and minimum costs are spent.

    Why is agile manufacturing an effective strategy?

    It is effective because of its nature that directly addresses the concerns and issues of the customers. It helps businesses to understand the realities of the existing marketplace and transform them into an advantage by building products that cater to the need of customers.

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