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How to Manage Your Inventory Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

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Are you struggling to manage your inventory? Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has the power to make your inventory management highly efficient. Its advanced features can overcome difficulties and lead your company toward higher efficiency and profitability. Find out how this modern ERP system may reshape and boost your inventory management. Check out our guide for further information on automated inventory systems.

Successful inventory management is mandatory for any business that deals with physical products. Keeping track of your inventory can make or break your business, no matter which sector you belong to. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides an all-in-one software solution to manage your inventory.

This article will unfold the challenges faced in inventory management, the core features of Business Central, steps to implement the system, and best practices to help you gain its maximum benefits.

Challenges in Inventory Management

Let’s walk through some of the frequent challenges faced in inventory management.

Common Issues

Some recurrent issues faced by businesses of all sizes include overstocking, stockouts, and inaccurate inventory tracking. Overstocking leads to extra inventory that ties up valuable cash; on the other hand, stockouts can disturb operations and break customer trust. Inaccurate tracking also results in errors that affect the entire supply chain.

For many businesses, managing inventory means balancing having enough stock to meet demand and minimizing excess that can become costly. Their effort to achieve this level is hurdled by human error, fluctuating markets, and the intricacy of managing multiple product lines.

Impact on Business

Inefficient inventory management can adversely effect business operations and profitability. It can lead to higher holding costs, lost sales, and decreased customer satisfaction.

Overstocking takes up storage space and increases the risk of products becoming obsolete, while stockouts can lead to missed sales and damage customer trust.

Poor inventory management can have severe financial aftereffects. Excess inventory ties up capital that could be used elsewhere in the business, while stockouts can result in missed profits. Moreover, inefficiencies in inventory management can also result in increased labor costs as employees spend more time tracking items and correcting errors.

Key Inventory Management Features in Business Central

Now that we are aware of the challenges faced in inventory management, let’s look at the solution presented by Business Central.

1. Inventory Tracking

Business Central empowers us to track inventory levels with high accuracy. By providing real-time updates and thorough records, you can monitor inventory movements, reducing the risk of errors. This high level of visibility empowers you to make intelligent decisions about inventory purchases and allocations.

Using inventory management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can trace stock from when it arrives in your warehouse until it is sold to the customer. The system provides details of each item, including purchase orders, sales orders, and movement within your warehouses. This complete tracking ability helps you identify and handle potential issues before they become major hurdles.

2. Automated Reordering

For many firms, preventing stockouts is a major concern. Business Central’s automated restocking feature ensures you never run out of essential supplies. You may automatically generate purchase orders and define reorder levels to maintain ideal stock levels without requiring staff involvement. For more insights on inventory forecasting, read this comprehensive article.

Automated reordering prevents stockouts and helps to simplify procurement processes. By setting up rules, you can ensure that purchase orders are placed based on actual demand and past usage trends.

3. Inventory Valuation

Correct inventory valuation is important for financial reporting and timely decision-making. Business Central offers various methods for inventory valuation, including FIFO, LIFO, and weighted average. These methods enable you to determine the value of goods sold and remaining inventory.

The best strategy for valuing your inventory depends on your accounting practices and business type. For instance, companies where inventory products are perishable or prone to expiration frequently use FIFO (First In, First Out). However, LIFO (Last In, First Out) could work better for companies that utilize or sell their most recent purchases first. You may choose and use the valuation technique that best suits your needs with Business Central.

4. Stock Level Optimization

Perfect stock levels are key to cutting costs and boosting efficiency. Business Central is embedded with tools that assess demand and adjust stock levels accordingly, avoiding overstocking and understocking.

With Business Central, you can set up safety, minimum and maximum stock levels, and reorder levels for each item. The system analyzes historical sales data and recent demand to maintain optimal stock levels. Keeping the right inventory balance can reduce holding costs and improve cash flow.

5. Multi-Location Management

Business Central simplifies the process of managing inventory across multiple sites. You can track and transfer stock between locations and maintain accurate records. This feature is useful for businesses with multiple warehouses or retail outlets.

Using Business Central’s multi-location management features, you can see and manage inventory for all of your locations using a single dashboard. You can track movements, move inventory effectively, and ensure each location has the correct inventory level. Thus, it helps manage a decentralized inventory network by centralizing control.

6. Integration Capabilities

Integrating Business Central with other systems is easy, enhancing functionality and providing a consolidated view of your business operations. Integration with accounting, sales, and supply chain systems ensures that all aspects of your inventory management are connected and updated. For more details on cloud-based inventory management, visit this informative page.

Powerful integration features allow you to integrate Business Central with your existing ERP, CRM, and other systems. This guarantees smooth data transfer throughout your organization, giving every business operation a single source of information. Business Central’s strong integration features enable you to connect with shipping carriers, warehouse management systems, and e-commerce platforms.

Steps to Manage Inventory Using Business Central

Follow the steps below to revamp your inventory control using Business Central for inventory management.

1. Setup and Configuration

The first step is setup and configuration. Begin by defining your inventory items, categories, and units of measure. Provide warehouse locations and configure inventory settings to match your business processes. This initial step is important for accurate inventory management.

During the setup process, you can customize Business Central to meet your needs. To ensure accurate tracking, define item attributes such as dimensions, weight, and expiration dates. Configure warehouse layouts and storage areas to maximize space usage and organize picking and packing operations.

2. Inventory Tracking and Reporting

Business Central has powerful reporting and monitoring features. You can track item movements, control inventory levels, and create reports on inventory levels. These reports offer valuable information on your inventory’s performance and assist you in making data-driven decisions.

Business Central lets you track important parameters such as stock levels, turnover rates, and order fulfillment timelines through real-time dashboards and customizable reports. Make intelligent choices and use these reports to identify patterns and potential problems to streamline inventory management procedures.

3. Reordering Process

Setting up automatic reordering in Business Central is simple. Define reorder levels and order quantities for your inventory items. The system automatically generates purchase orders when stock levels fall below the amount specified, ensuring you never run out of important items.

Automating the reordering process saves time and reduces the risk of human error. Business Central lets you set up parameters for each item, such as minimum order level, preferred suppliers, and lead times. The system uses these rules to generate purchase orders based on real-time inventory data, ensuring you maintain the best stock levels without manual intervention.

4. Inventory Valuation Methods

Accurate financial reporting depends on selecting the best inventory valuation technique. FIFO, LIFO, and weighted average are just a few of the valuation techniques that Business Central provides. To keep accurate inventory records, decide which approach suits your company’s needs.

How you value your inventory can greatly affect the taxes you pay and your financial statements. Business Central allows you to switch between valuation techniques and offers complete reports to help you comprehend each technique’s effects. Selecting the best valuation technique ensures that financial reporting is accurate and accounting standards are met.

5. Stock Level Monitoring

Monitoring stock levels is essential for avoiding overstocking and stockouts. Business Central provides real-time features to monitor stock levels and adjust them based on demand. This helps you maintain the best inventory levels and reduce holding costs.

You can set up alerts and notifications to inform you when stock levels fall below or exceed predefined quantities. Regularly reviewing stock levels and adjusting them according to demand helps avoid overstocking and stockouts.

6. Multi-Location Inventory Management

If your business operates across multiple locations, Business Central makes managing inventory across different sites easy. You can track stock levels at each location, move inventory effectively, and maintain accurate records for all locations.

Multi-location inventory management is essential for businesses with multiple warehouses or retail outlets. Business Central’s centralized dashboard lets you view and manage inventory across all locations from a central hub.

Best Practices for Inventory Management with Business Central

Here are a few best practices for effective inventory management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central:

1. Regular Audits

Regular inventory audits are necessary to detect errors and ensure data accuracy. Plan periodic checks to ensure that system records and physical inventories are matched. This will ensure that your inventory data is always accurate.

Regular audits help you identify patterns in your inventory data that can help you make better choices regarding purchases and stock levels. Thorough audits also enable you to identify problems like theft, misplacement, or loss and implement corrective actions to fix them.

2. Data Accuracy

Accurate data is the foundation of effective inventory management. Establish procedures, such as regular updates and validation tests, to guarantee data accuracy. By training your employees to record and maintain exact inventory data, you can lower the possibility of errors and increase productivity.

RFID technology and barcode scanners can track inventory movements to ensure data correctness. These tools guarantee that your inventory data are updated and reduce human error. Regularly checking and verifying data entries may also maintain the integrity of your inventory management system.

3. Utilizing Reports

The reporting features in Business Central are beneficial for managing inventories. These tools create reports on inventory performance, item movements, and stock levels. Reviewing these data regularly allows you to identify patterns, make wise choices, and simplify your inventory procedures. For information on critical inventory KPIs, visit this helpful resource.

Customizable reports in Business Central allow you to track a wide range of indicators, including inventory turnover, days of inventory on hand, and order fulfillment rates. By analyzing these, you can identify areas for improvement and devise strategies to make your inventory management efficient.

4. Training and Support

Investing in staff training is crucial for achieving the benefits of Business Central. Ensure your team has the knowledge to use the system and understands its features. Use support resources to tackle any issues or questions.

Training programs should cover all inventory management modules, from basic navigation to advanced features like automated reordering and multi-location management. Providing periodic training ensures that your team stays up-to-date with system updates and best practices. This can increase productivity, reduce errors, and efficient inventory management.


Managing your inventory using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can boost your business processes. Its powerful modules can help you overcome inventory challenges, optimize stock levels, and improve efficiency.

For more information on inventory management solutions, check out this comprehensive guide.

Business Central provides a strong and adaptable platform that may be customized for your business requirements. It provides the tools and features that help you manage your inventory, irrespective of the complex nature of your product lines, locations, or variable demand. Ready to take your inventory management to the next level? Explore our range of solutions and discover how we can help you achieve your business goals.

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