Optimizing Supply Chain Performance with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Optimizing Supply Chain Performance with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

No one can deny that the supply chain is the backbone of any management business whether it is a startup or a well-established business. If your supply chain does not have a proper structure, vision, and efficiency, your commercial growth may be compromised. This means you continuously need to monitor and optimize relevant KPIs for […]

HR KPIs: Key Metrics for Measuring Human Resources Performance

HR KPIs_ Key Metrics for Measuring Human Resources Performance

Many successful businesses all around the world have started incorporating HR metrics as an important part of their business strategy. This explains why strategic HR is conquering this field of business. According to a survey of businesses worldwide, almost one-third of executive supervisors wish to see HR reports more often. This shows that many businesses […]

Measuring Production Performance with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Measuring Production Performance with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Whether you have just stepped into the field of business or are an already established business, you need to have an insight into what matters for the growth of your business. For that purpose, you need to measure the key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs help organizations and businesses analyze their manufacturing processes which are then […]

ISV Customization in Business Central

ISV Customization in Business Central

Introduction I am going to explain how to customize the functionality of a report provided by a third party ISV. Let’s have a look of the non-customized version first in Fig. 1 Fig.1 Fig.2 Requirements Now the requirement is to add a lookup to the first field, add some more custom fields and allow multiple […]