10 Key Benefits of EDI Integration with Dynamics AX and Dynamics 365
EDI for Microsoft Dynamics generates great value for companies using the Dynamics AX platform for running retail, distribution and manufacturing operations.Dynamics AX EDIintegration helps extend the capabilities of your Dynamics AX platform by connecting it to external associations like clients, merchants, third party logistics, custom and government agencies and more. EDI for Microsoft Dynamics AX […]
7 Useful Tips for Dynamics 365 Migration
From connecting operations digitally to complete visibility and from real-time information to an enhanced customer service, there are numerous ways migration to Dynamics 365 can benefit a business. It is the next generation solution that is equipped to strengthen your business processes. However, for the migration to be a success, stakeholders need to take a […]
6 Major Business Risks of Using Dynamics 365 EDI Integration
When opting for Dynamics 365 EDI as a communications tool, initiators need to ensure that concrete strategies are in place for managing the adoption, implementation and management of Dynamics 365 EDI to reduce the risks association with it. Some of the risks that a company may be exposed to when embracing EDI for Microsoft Dynamics […]